What can indicate back pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades?

Back pain in a woman's shoulder blades

When the back hurts in the scapular region, most do not even react to such factors. Minor discomfort passes, but over time a person gets so used to these things that amplification and addition of alarm signals does not require examination. People don't even realize that sometimesdisease poses a high health risk🇧🇷

According to statistics, about 80% of people complain about flaws in the spine, lower back, neck area.

About 60% are concerned about pain in or under the scapula. Such pathologies greatly complicate movement, limit performance. The causes of sensations are cramps in the skeletal muscle, overload. A feeling of pressure in a certain area occurs when diseased organs are located at this level.

The malaise can be located:

  • On both sides;
  • under the left;
  • under the right;
  • quite;
  • below;
  • when coughing;
  • when inhaling;
  • when turning the head;
  • on the side of the heart;
  • circle the back and sternum area;

The causes are damage to internal organs, vertebrae, pathology of the nervous system, physical activity, injuries, chronic failures of the body, musculoskeletal system.

Let's analyze each case of discomfort in more detail.

Pain on both sides

A patient complaining of shoulder blade pain on both sides at a doctor's appointment

It can occur due to intense physical exertion, when muscles and tendons are tense. Unsuccessful turn, the movement also leads to a similar state. Symptoms will be swelling, redness of the focus. In a situation with a characteristic seizure, the disease is called a scapular crisis. Localization in only two places speaks of bursitis, inflammation of internal organs. Sometimes back pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades is a sign of tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, in which case the flat bones hurt, with the development of the infection they begin to collapse. The patient has fever and fever. Pneumonia and pleurisy provoke pain on palpation, osteochondrosis tends to spread to both sides.

For the pulmonary forms, the addition of wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing is characteristic.


From acute to moderate with additional burn in case of trauma.


After diagnosis, the traumatologist selects therapy according to the origin of the disease. For injuries, bruises, in the presence of bursitis, non-steroidal drugs are prescribed. The patient is advised to limit physical activity. Add physiotherapy electrophoresis, magnet, ultrasound, massage. If the back hurts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades as a result of tuberculosis, pneumonia, purulent infection, then they are treated in the hospital with the use of antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone series and macrolides.

pain on the left

A man suffers from pain in his left shoulder blade

The result of the appearance of diseases can be an ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, a person suffers from bouts of nausea, vomiting and belching. Nervous. The vast majority of people suppress their emotions, experience restlessness, problems accumulated in themselves. They feel not only pain, but also heaviness in the sternum, a feeling of a lump in the throat. Myocardial infarction causes not only pain under the left shoulder blade, but also a burning sensation in the side of the arm, cervical region and jaw.

Provoking factors will be cervical osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia, lesions of the pulmonary tract, oncology.


Strong. With an ulcer, it is dull, painful, pressing nervous tension, moving to the chest. Myocardial infarction - burning, gives under the bone. Neuralgia - strong, shooting, while the lower back is affected. In the presence of a bacteriological and oncological process, it is constant, temperature, fever, chills join, appetite is suppressed.


It is necessary to consult not only a therapist, but also a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, vertebrologist, psychiatrist. Based on the provoking source, medications will be prescribed. NSAIDs for dystrophy. Gastric ulcer includes antibiotics, anticholinergics. Intercostal destruction of peripheral endings is cured with analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, antiemetics and antacids are prescribed. In some situations, ulcer perforation requires surgical intervention. Infections such as left-sided pneumonia and osteomyelitis involve the use of antibiotics.

Oncology is a serious and long-term cure with the passage of chemotherapy procedures.

Pain in the right shoulder blade in a man

pain on the right

It develops due to muscle spasms of the gallbladder or bile ducts. It causes a stone condition that obstructs the ducts, contributing to biliary and hepatic colic. The person feels chills, fever. Osteochondrosis is asymptomatic in the initial stage, has a low threshold of sensations. Subdiaphragmatic abscess affects not only the right lobe but also the shoulder. The patient suffers from fever, unbearable pain. Pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, adhesions after pneumonia on the right side, suprascapular nerve contusion, myofascial syndrome are also triggers for the disease. A sick pancreas, liver tumors, kidneys put pressure on the right zone.

Hepatic colic has no signs other than painful discomfort.


Dull with cholecystitis. Pancreatitis, pyelonephritis is accompanied by a feeling of pain and pulling with indentation in the lower back, upper body. Organ tumors are caused by periodic, painful pain in the right lobe of the body. With burning symptoms, it is possible to pinch the nerve roots. Cervical compartment dystrophy is recognized by penetrating low back pain. If it is sharp, an abscess occurs under the diaphragm.


The doctor will prescribe NSAID drugs, the property of which is aimed at eliminating symptoms, reducing inflammation. A good result is given by physiotherapy with a laser, magnet, electrophoresis, manual therapy, exercise therapy. An abscess is treated with a group of substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria. Pancreatitis attacks require the use of antibiotics, enzymes. Pyelonephritis refers to the penicillin class of drugs. Cholecystitis includes macrolides, analgesics, choleretics.

All three processes indicate adherence to a special diet.

between the shoulder blades

Pain between the shoulder blades, the cause of which lies in the pathologies of the spine

The main circumstances that cause diseases include low activity, sedentary work, gravity, physical exercise. The main failures are osteochondrosis, scoliosis, kyphosis, spondylarthrosis, intervertebral disc herniation in the thorax, cervical and thoracic sciatic pain, intercostal disc displacement and humeroscapular periarthrosis. The first disease is formed due to dystrophic changes in bone tissues. Scoliosis as a result of a negligent attitude to health. Wrong sitting, standing leads to a change in position, they pull bone structures left and right, changing posture. Afterwards, it is painful for the sufferer to sit in an unusual position. Kyphosis occurs due to an extremely strong curvature of the spine, rounded back syndrome appears. Spondyloarthritis also refers to diseases that affect changes in bone structure. A hernia is dangerous because it can compress the spinal cord, nerve fibers are destroyed. This limits patient movement. Sciatica causes pinching of the nerve roots. Symptoms will be pain, swelling and redness of the site, muscle spasms. Scapular periarthritis is a degeneration of the tissues surrounding the joint. It is expressed in swelling, putting the limb behind the back. The patient may have pain in the arm, neck, interscapular territory.

Additional causes will be ischemic heart disease, infection with pathogenic bacteria.


Strong, long-lasting, with a burning sensation in some situations. Infections are added by the presence of temperature.


Osteochondrosis, sciatica and other pathologies of bone destruction are treated with NSAIDs. The use of creams with analgesic properties. Definitely chondroprotectors. Heat therapy, magnet, electrophoresis. The patient is prescribed physiotherapy, massage. Scoliosis in the initial stage is treated with exercise therapy, massage. In hernia, treatment is conservative, excluding manual technique and massage!

Antibiotics depending on the pathogen for infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, polio.

A man has back pain in the area under the shoulder blades

below the scapula

It causes osteochondrosis. The sick area hurts, there is pain in the back. Injuries, bruises have swelling, tenderness to palpation. The area is hot and inflamed. High performance, pregnancy is the culprit that the spine and subscapular part hurt. Tuberculosis bacillus or tuberculosis is an abscess located anywhere. It is characterized by fever, weakness, lack of appetite. Sciatica or nerve root inflammation also radiates to the leg. Bony growths as a result of spondylosis put pressure on the site, spread uncomfortably between the ribs, under the sternum and scapular bones.

Also, constant pain under the shoulder blade can be caused by a disease of Organs internal organs.


Moderate to severe with spasms in right or left leg when nerves are pinched.


Degeneration of cartilage, joints, bone mass involves medication using non-steroidal drugs. Courses in physiotherapy, massage, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, laser, electrophoresis. Other actions are proper nutrition, seasonal intake of chondroprotectors. Injuries, bruises include analgesics and ointments that reduce hyperemia, which have absorbable properties. Treatment with physiotherapy, paraffin compresses, electrophoresis with potassium iodide, UHF. Cold compresses at home.

pain when coughing

The doctor examines a patient with sharp pain in the shoulder blades when coughing

The presence of an alarm signal indicates pleurisy of the spine, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, muscle tension, sciatica, osteochondrosis and even lung cancer. Discomfort extends to the area below the shoulder blades, lower back, spinal apparatus.

In the future, there is difficulty with walking.


Sharp, sharp, flashing. Increases at night.


A patient diagnosed with pneumonia is taken to the hospital. Carry out drug therapy with antibiotics. Use non-steroidal analgesic drugs with the production of sciatica, osteochondrosis. A favorable result is given by injection blocks, ultrasound, magnetic procedures, laser, exercise therapy and massage. Homemade compresses with ointments and solutions, herbs.

Cancer usually involves surgery followed by chemotherapy.

when inhaling

The basis is the accumulation of fluid in the pleura or dry pleurisy. Pericarditis disease develops in the pericardial sac of the pericardium, contributes to the appearance of weakness, subfebrile state, edema, heaviness behind the sternum. Biliary and renal colic cause discomfort in the hypochondrium, in the flat bones.


Drawing, with greater inspiration.


Pleurisy is treated with antitussive drugs for a dry cough. Banks are placed, exposure to heat. Requires bed rest, immobilization of the affected side. At home, with light form, iodine mesh, warming compresses. The rehabilitation period is supported by proper nutrition, therapeutic exercises. Colic cholecystitis, pyelonephritis involve the use of non-steroidal drugs.

The first adds the use of choleretic propelling agents.

When turning the head

Drawing pain in the neck and shoulder blades when turning the head.

Cervical osteochondrosis, cervicobrachial sciatica, occipital nerve neuralgia. Additional signs will be a crunch when turning, swelling, pain in the neck, vertebral region. Inability to turn the neck to the right or left.


Drawing, pain, worse by periods.


Cervical sciatica and neuralgia are treated with pain relievers. A magnet, ultrasound, kneading massage of the neck muscles are prescribed. At home, horseradish compresses, mustard plasters, honey linings are good.

You must be careful, because. the exposure time to mustard plasters should be reduced with a sick heart.

In the region of the heart gives to the shoulder blades

Neuralgia satellites, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis. For the latter, the difference is wheezing, shortness of breath, temperature, weakness in the body, lethargy, lack of appetite.


Soft with added weight, pressure inside and behind the sternum.


Infections of the pulmonary tract are stopped by macrolide antibiotics, bed rest is prescribed.

Violation of nerve fibers is stabilized by NSAIDs, therapeutic ointments, ultrasound, magnetic, laser physiotherapy, electrophoresis, massage, exercise therapy complex.

When should you see a doctor?

If you have pains of an incomprehensible nature in your shoulder blades, then the reasons are different. accurate diagnosisonly a doctor can deliver🇧🇷He will decide what to do in a given situation and prescribe competent and effective treatment. The reason for visiting a specialist will be acute pains that have persisted for 3-4 days, fever, numbness of the extremities, fainting, rapid deterioration in well-being. The sick person is obliged to go to the doctor if he vomits and strong spasms form in the sternum region.

In conclusion, it remains to add that the concept of when the back hurts and pain in the region of the shoulder blades is wide. Because there are so many varieties.

There is no need for self-medication, it slows down the healing process, leads to complications.